Pavullo – Montecreto 

From Pavullo almost to Pistoia, the itinerary often coincides with the Way of St. Bartholomew first, and then with the Francesca della Sambuca Way. Given the wealth of itineraries, we have selected two, which pilgrims can choose, according to their own preferences. In both cases it is possible to break the stage, and such an opportunity is far from being discarded because the Apennines here become real mountains, and the gradients quite challenging. Leaving Pavullo, we climb the hill where the castle overlooking the Scoltenna valley is located, in which Habsburg imperial army general Raimondo Montecuccoli was born. After the castle, you will encounter the thousand-year-old Pieve di Renno and then some very pleasant villages, including Olina where the two indicated variants break off, climbing the two sides of the valley and then rejoining at the foot of Montecreto. As mentioned, it is possible to break the stage thanks to the accommodations located on both routes, which, however, we suggest booking: on the first route you can stop at Lama Mocogno, on the second at Ca’ Gianino.

  • Distance : 22,9 Km

  • Time : 7 hours

  • Terrain: trails, country roads

  • Height difference + : 1.283 m

  • Height difference – : 1.115 m

  • Max altitude : 885 m

  • Min altitude : 417 m

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